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Sixth Form (Years 12 & 13)

Studying in the Sixth Form has a very different feel to it than the GCSE years and before. In Year 12, you choose 3 or 4 A levels or BTEC qualifications to study. These subjects are ones you are really interested in, will help you to achieve your university or career aspirations, and which you will completely immerse yourself in. This is a really exciting prospect, and at Ampleforth you will find teachers who love their subject and want to share that love with you.

We offer 23 A Level subjects as well as 4 BTEC qualifications. These are set out in detail in the Options Booklet below. 

BTECs, while timetabled in the same way as A levels, offer a practical way of learning with regular modular assessments rather than end-of-course exams. They are accepted by 99% of UK universities and accrue the same UCAS points as A levels. For students considering them, we encourage a combination of BTECs and A levels. 

We encourage our Sixth Form students to pursue an Extended Project Qualification, a research project and presentation on a topic of their choosing which contributes to UCAS points. EPQs are valued as they demonstrate the ability and commitment to learn independently, skills vital for success at university, and universities often include EPQ grades in their offers to applicants. Recent examples from Ampleforth range from What makes a good leader through History? to What can we learn from bridge collapses of the past when designing bridges for the future?

Students who wish to apply to become a school Monitor also study for a level 3 NVQ in leadership. All participate in sports and games regularly as part of their curriculum as well as continuing to follow Christian Living (our highly praised model of RSHE), and a Christian Theology course (for those not taking it for A Level). There are regular Careers Lectures as well as Headmasters Lectures with outside speakers coming to inspire our Sixth Form pupils and open up new horizons and perspectives.

There is also a constant programme of enrichment opportunities including departmental clubs and academic societies (eg Aquinas, Debating, and Astronomy), Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award, and internal and external competitions.

All pupils are challenged to stretch themselves and grow, personally and intellectually.

Approximately 70% of our Sixth Form leavers go on to Russell Group universities, a number go to European universities with our help and guidance, and we have a tailored programne of expert preparation for SATs for entrance to US universities. We also encourage apprenticeships and other pathways. 


A Compass for Life

Full Boarding & Day School for students aged 11 to 18