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Year 9 (1st Form)

Year 9 is a crucial stage to set a positive tone for the learning which lies ahead. We offer the richest possible curriculum at this age to best prepare pupils to make informed choices at GCSE and beyond. Our inspiring programme of study has been carefully planned to allow pupils to consolidate their strengths, develop their knowledge, and find new opportunities to excel. For us, learning is something to be enjoyed.

There is a strong focus on the value of literacy; each pupil has one lesson a week for quiet reading with the support of an English teacher. There also is time set aside every day for reading for pleasure. We also focus on oracy - the power and expectations of the spoken word and the value of listening carefully. We believe that our pupils should have the opportunity to develop their confidence in public speaking, how to construct arguments, debate effectively and adapt their style for different audiences.

Pupils have lessons in Mathematics, English, Design & Technology, Languages, Art, Drama, Music, Physical Education (PE), Computing, History, Geography, Christian Theology (Religious Studies), Classics, the Sciences, and Christian Living (our version of personal, social, health and economic education). 

A huge array of co-curricular activities are also on offer and there are plenty and varied opportunities to develop skills in art, drama, music and sport. 

Over the course of Year 9, each pupil will work closely with their Tutor and the Head of Year to identify their chosen options for GCSE. Parents and guardians are also invited to join actively in this discussion.


A Compass for Life

Full Boarding & Day School for students aged 11 to 18