How to Donate
Click here for our one-off Bursary Fund donation form.
Click here for our Bursary Fund regular gift form.
Donations by Cheque
All donations by cheque should be made out to the St Laurence Education Trust and addressed to:
The Development Office
Ampleforth College
YO62 4EN
Bank Transfer
To donate via bank transfer please quote the reference – “Development” – and send notification of your donation to
St Laurence Education Trust
Sort Code – 20-99-15 Account Number 03744795
IBAN BG49 BARC 2099 1503 7447 95
Donations from the USA
To make a gift and take a U.S. income tax deduction, you may make a donation to the British Schools & Universities Foundation (Federal Tax ID 13-616-1189), a charitable organization approved by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service under code Section 501(c)(3). Write your check to the order of the British Schools & Universities Foundation. You should express a preference for Ampleforth College in your transmittal letter, not on your check. Such preferences are respected by the Foundation but all grants are made at its sole discretion, as required by the IRS.
Gift Aid
As a registered charity, the St Laurence Education Trust can reclaim any UK tax you have paid on your gift via the Gift Aid scheme. If you are a UK taxpayer, for every £1 you donate, 25p can be added to the value of your gift, at no extra cost to you. To allow us to collect your Gift Aid, if making an online donation please tick the Gift Aid box. For other donations we will send you a Gift Aid form.
Higher Rate Taxpayers can claim the difference between the rate you pay and the basic rate on your donation. We recommend that you speak to your tax adviser about this.